114 research outputs found

    A formal model of the Document Object Model

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    This is the final version. Available from AFP via the link in this recordIn this AFP entry, we formalize the core of the Document Object Model (DOM). At its core, the DOM defines a tree-like data structure for representing documents in general and HTML documents in particular. It is the heart of any modern web browser. Formalizing the key concepts of the DOM is a prerequisite for the formal reasoning over client-side JavaScript programs and for the analysis of security concepts in modern web browsers. We present a formalization of the core DOM, with focus on the node-tree and the operations defined on node-trees, in Isabelle/HOL. We use the formalization to verify the functional correctness of the most important functions defined in the DOM standard. Moreover, our formalization is 1) extensible, i.e., can be extended without the need of re-proving already proven properties and 2) executable, i.e., we can generate executable code from our specification

    Isabelle/DOF. User and Implementation Manual

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    The software for which this is the manual is available via the DOI in this recordIsabelle/DOF provides an implementation of DOF on top of Isabelle/HOL. DOF itself is a novel framework for defining ontologies and enforcing them during document development and document evolution. Isabelle/DOF targets use-cases such as mathematical texts referring to a theory development or technical reports requiring a particular structure. A major application of DOF is the integrated development of formal certification documents (e.g., for Common Criteria or CENELEC 50128) that require consistency across both formal and informal arguments. Isabelle/DOF is integrated into Isabelle’s IDE, which allows for smooth ontology development as well as immediate ontological feedback during the editing of a document. Its checking facilities leverage the collaborative development of documents required to be consistent with an underlying ontological structure. In this user-manual, we give an in-depth presentation of the design concepts of DOF’s Ontology Definition Language (ODL) and describe comprehensively its major commands. Many examples show typical best-practice applications of the system. Isabelle/DOF is the first ontology language supporting machine-checked links between the formal and informal parts in an LCF-style interactive theorem proving environment.IRT System

    Nano JSON: Working with JSON formatted data in Isabelle/HOL and Isabelle/ML

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    This is the final version. Available from AFP via the link in this recordJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a common format for exchanging data, based on a collection of key/value-pairs (the JSON objects) and lists. Its syntax is inspired by JavaScript with the aim of being easy to read and write for humans and easy to parse and generate for machines. Despite its origin in the JavaScript world, JSON is language-independent and many programming languages support working with JSON-encoded data. This makes JSON an interesting format for exchanging data with Isabelle/HOL. This AFP entry provides a JSON-like import-expert format for both Isabelle/ML and Isabelle/HOL. On the one hand, this AFP entry provides means for Isabelle/HOL users to work with JSON encoded data without the need using Isabelle/ML. On the other and, the provided Isabelle/ML interfaces allow additional extensions or integration into Isabelle extensions written in Isabelle/ML. While format is not fully JSON compliant (e.g., due to limitations in the range of supported Unicode characters), it works in most situations: the provided implementation in Isabelle/ML and its representation in Isabelle/HOL have been used successfully in several projects for exchanging data sets of several hundredths of megabyte between Isabelle and external tools

    Formal Network Models and Their Application to Firewall Policies

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    This is the final version. Available from AFP via the link in this recordWe present a formal model of network protocols and their application to modeling firewall policies. The formalization is based on the Unified Policy Framework (UPF). The formalization was originally developed with for generating test cases for testing the security configuration actual firewall and router (middle-boxes) using HOL-TestGen. Our work focuses on modeling application level protocols on top of tcp/ip

    Stateful protocol composition and typing

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the link in this record.We provide in this AFP entry several relative soundness results for security protocols. In particular, we prove typing and compositionality results for stateful protocols (i.e., protocols with mutable state that may span several sessions), and that focuses on reachability properties. Such results are useful to simplify protocol verification by reducing it to a simpler problem: Typing results give conditions under which it is safe to verify a protocol in a typed model where only "well-typed" attacks can occur whereas compositionality results allow us to verify a composed protocol by only verifying the component protocols in isolation. The conditions on the protocols under which the results hold are furthermore syntactic in nature allowing for full automation. The foundation presented here is used in another entry to provide fully automated and formalized security proofs of stateful protocols

    Stateful protocol composition

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordWe prove a parallel compositionality result for protocols with a shared mutable state, i.e., stateful protocols. For protocols satisfying certain compositionality conditions our result shows that verifying the component protocols in isolation is sufficient to prove security of their composition. Our main contribution is an extension of the compositionality paradigm to stateful protocols where participants maintain shared databases. Because of the generality of our result we also cover many forms of sequential composition as a special case of stateful parallel composition. Moreover, we support declassification of shared secrets. As a final contribution we prove the core of our result in Isabelle/HOL, providing a strong correctness guarantee of our proofs.Danish Council for Independent Research

    A Formal Model of Extended Finite State Machines

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    This is the final version. Available from AFP via the link in this recordIn this AFP entry, we provide a formalisation of extended finite state machines (EFSMs) where models are represented as finite sets of transitions between states. EFSMs execute traces to produce observable outputs. We also define various simulation and equality metrics for EFSMs in terms of traces and prove their strengths in relation to each other. Another key contribution is a framework of function definitions such that LTL properties can be phrased over EFSMs. Finally, we provide a simple example case study in the form of a drinks machine

    Formalising extended finite state machine transition merging

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordModel inference from system traces, e.g. for analysing legacy components or generating security tests for distributed components, is a common problem. Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) models, managing an internal data state as a set of registers, are particularly well suited for capturing the behaviour of stateful components however existing inference techniques for (E)FSMs lack the ability to infer the internal state and its update functions. In this paper, we present the underpinning formalism for an EFSM inference technique that involves the merging of transitions with updates to the internal data state. Our model is formalised in Isabelle/HOL, allowing for the machine-checked validation of transition merges and system properties

    Automated stateful protocol verification

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the link in this record.In protocol verification we observe a wide spectrum from fully automated methods to interactive theorem proving with proof assistants like Isabelle/HOL. In this AFP entry, we present a fully-automated approach for verifying stateful security protocols, i.e., protocols with mutable state that may span several sessions. The approach supports reachability goals like secrecy and authentication. We also include a simple user-friendly transaction-based protocol specification language that is embedded into Isabelle

    Inference of Extended Finite State Machines

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    This is the final version. Available from AFP via the link in this recordIn this AFP entry, we provide a formal implementation of a state-merging technique to infer extended finite state machines (EFSMs), complete with output and update functions, from black-box traces. In particular, we define the subsumption in context relation as a means of determining whether one transition is able to account for the behaviour of another. Building on this, we define the direct subsumption relation, which lifts the subsumption in context relation to EFSM level such that we can use it to determine whether it is safe to merge a given pair of transitions. Key proofs include the conditions necessary for subsumption to occur and that subsumption and direct subsumption are preorder relations. We also provide a number of different heuristics which can be used to abstract away concrete values into registers so that more states and transitions can be merged and provide proofs of the various conditions which must hold for these abstractions to subsume their ungeneralised counterparts. A Code Generator setup to create executable Scala code is also defined
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